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The runtime runs integration functions. Examples are:

  1. connectors
  2. services (ESB)
  3. api's
  4. brokers

Each runtime has an implementation. For example a connector is implemented with Apache Camel and the broker is implemented with ActiveMQ. On top of the implementation there two type of API's:

  1. Java API

Assimbly runtime

Integration runtime

The integration runtime runs integrations. There are two modules:

  1. Integration (The Java API)
  2. IntegrationRest (The REST API)

The modules can be embedded into a Java application to provide interaction with the runtime through the API's. The API's currently have one implementation, namely Apache Camel.

Broker runtime

The broker runtime runs message brokers (MQ). There are two modules:

  1. Broker (The Java API)
  2. BrokerRest (The REST API)

The modules can be embedded into a Java application to provide interaction with the runtime through the API's. The API's currently have two implementations. One for ActiveMQ Classic and one for ActiveMQ Artemis.

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